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2 responses
I have the same problem as you describe in your first question. It turn out to be an option in the SETUP (right before the OS load). While in the SETUP, I choose BOOT, and depending of your mobo there is an option about returning power after AC lost, I disable it and it turn out fine now.
Registration date
Sunday March 29, 2009
Last seen
June 12, 2009
Jun 3, 2009 at 09:14 AM
Jun 3, 2009 at 09:14 AM
1st: You must check the power connection of the front panel to the motherboard! May be you have done wrong connection!
2nd: Check if you connected properly the graphic card on the slot! and you can also check the DDR Ram modules!
2nd: Check if you connected properly the graphic card on the slot! and you can also check the DDR Ram modules!