Forgot password & recovery email not accessable
Hello, please can someone help me back into my account again. I seem to have the incorrect password and the email which I used way back when as a recovery, is no longer active for the past 2 years. How can I get in please, thank you,
- Forgot password & recovery email not accessable
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1 response
Registration date
Monday February 1, 2010
Last seen
February 15, 2023
Feb 9, 2018 at 05:29 AM
Feb 9, 2018 at 05:29 AM
Unfortunately, if, when you created the account, you have not registered an alternate recovery email address to which you have access to receive an account key, you cannot prove that you are the account's legitimate owner. Hence account recovery is absolutely impossible and there is no way around it.
Feb 9, 2018 at 03:36 PM