Itunes wants to delete all my songs
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16 responses
Registration date
Thursday April 16, 2009
Last seen
June 8, 2009
Updated on Nov 27, 2018 at 05:05 AM
Updated on Nov 27, 2018 at 05:05 AM
hi, if you sync you iPod with iTunes, all the music in the iPod will be deleted.
What you need to do is to :
Thus the songs will be added without deleting the ones which were already on the iPod.
It is recomonded that you update the iTunes when you are prompted to do so.
Thus you can get more features.
What you need to do is to :
- click on your iPod icon when you connect it to the computer and then check "Manually manage music".
- Then you need to create a playlist, put all the songs you want to add in your iPod, then under the iPod click on Music, and you will see "Autofill from:" below the window.
- Select the playlist yu created and click on autofill.
Thus the songs will be added without deleting the ones which were already on the iPod.
It is recomonded that you update the iTunes when you are prompted to do so.
Thus you can get more features.
Aug 13, 2009 at 05:15 PM
The apple experts have been unable to explain this to me even after several appointments!
My computer completely crashed, and I was so uninterested in having to re-load all the music off the CDs that I had put into my iPhone ~
I had purchased some new music and been unable to put them into my phone. Thanks so much - I finally have my newly purchased music in my phone, and still have all of my original music in tact :))
Feb 2, 2010 at 02:17 PM