Boot grldr

Pavan Kumar - Jun 9, 2009 at 09:48 AM
 asdas;ldk - Apr 27, 2010 at 08:03 AM
i m having System.Intel cor 2 duo. and I have two hard disks connected one with SATA and the Other is IDE. I installed windows vista and Win XP in one Hard DIsk and Win 2008 Server in other Hard disk and when it reached the log in screen it automatically restarted and after that a message appeared that " booting grldr....... resetting boot drive, success"

After that message its logining, but is there any problem with it, if any plz advice me for the same. . . .

2 responses

the.don34 Posts 5 Registration date Sunday March 1, 2009 Status Member Last seen June 9, 2009 4
Jun 9, 2009 at 10:13 AM
Hye remove the other hard disk with windows server 2008! and boot again!
suck my cock bro.