Little or no connectivity
Completed full reset of lynksys Wireless G router, downloaded software , my Dell sees wireless G router but says I have low or no connectivity butthe signal is at full strength. I connect the router directly to my laptop with a network cable. I went to iexporer and typed in The computer thinks for a bit and looks for proxy settings and then comes back that a connect could not be made. Need help!
Completed full reset of lynksys Wireless G router, downloaded software , my Dell sees wireless G router but says I have low or no connectivity butthe signal is at full strength. I connect the router directly to my laptop with a network cable. I went to iexporer and typed in The computer thinks for a bit and looks for proxy settings and then comes back that a connect could not be made. Need help!
- Little or no connectivity
- Limited or no connectivity - Guide
- Steam no connection - Guide
- Limited or no connectivity cisco anyconnect - Windows XP Forum
- Pldt connected but no internet ✓ - WiFi Forum
- Limited connectivity but excellent signal? ✓ - Network Forum