Seek advice on mthbd replacement (Acer M1100)

Li - Jul 8, 2009 at 06:02 PM
 twigger - Jun 21, 2010 at 05:09 AM
Hello experts!

Motherboard F690GVM (AMD Athlon 64x2) of my Acer AM1100-E1203A desktop may be damaged. Look for replacement of either same or upgraded motherboard with CPU that is compatible with existing part configuration (e.g., hard disk, power unit, etc). I'd like to continue to use my Vista and programs in existing hard drive.

- Li

3 responses

Blocked Profile
Jul 9, 2009 at 04:10 AM

you may use any motherboard you like.

but you need to check if the new motherboard supports the processor you have.

so when buying the motherboard, bring the processor with you and tell the agents that you need a motherboard that supports that type of processor.
scrap it chuck it in the bin there rubish i know i have one sat here
one of the motherboards is by asus with theam3 socket that is backwards compatible with am2 and am2+ processers