Farmville adobe flash player not working

siobhan - Jul 16, 2009 at 10:05 AM
 serpicodesiles - Apr 3, 2013 at 11:09 PM
i have previously been able to load farmville via facebook but today it said unable to do this because flash player needs to be updated ive gone ahead and done this and it still doesnt work. it said to go to internet options and change the settings which I have done and it still doesnt work for farmville however every new link I click on on this site it asks me if I want to allow active x. can someone please help as this is driving me nuts and im stuck for ideas. thanks

49 responses

I have not been able to get flashplayer working in Vista or Firefox and here is what fixed it for me.

In IE 8 I went to Tools and clicked Manage Addons and found adobe "disabled" for some dumb reason so I enabled it and as simple as that it now works....

In Firefox I redownloaded the program (note: pay attention to the download process because in Firefox you probably will have to "enable" the download by clicking on an enable button on the screen during the process to make sure you get the download.)

Hope this helps a few people :)
thank it works..i've followed your suggestion for the internet explorer, I can play farmville as before..thank u
I have been trying to use Flash Player with internet explorer for a while now, today I tried it in Firefox and it worked, but my preferred is IE. One last attempt to fix this problem has been fixed by you, so a big THANK YOU to you at last it works so cheers for the manage add on and enable Adobe thing. FANTASTIC!
Thanks a lot. Its been 2 days i'm getting crazy looking for the solution to my prob...its good I read Sangre's note! Now I can play my farmville. Yipee!!!
stuart > Mrs B
Nov 13, 2009 at 07:06 PM
Hi turn off your firewall should be fine after that worked for me ie firewall had a block on zynga from using cookies
just let you know m8, vista as bugs. that why they recalled it and came out with Windows 7. please note this guys don't ever ever! use vista on any PC / Laptop. and if ur pc or / laptop does come with it. just take it off and add XP Pro / XP Home / Or If Your Pc / Laptop can handle Windows 7 Then Use That. But Other Then That Stay Way From Vista. Thanks
I am also having the same problem. When I go onto farmville I cant get passed the loading page. The bar gets to half full then my web browser says 'done'. I have tried this on facebook, then on google chrome, firefox etc etc. I have changed internet settings, updated flash, java etc. Tried turning off firewall. Maybe its a sign that I spend too much time on farmville? But if anyone has any ideas please let me know. I dont think it is farmville/facebook as I can get on it on other computers. This has only happened since facebook decided to change its layout again!!!!
I was having the same issue but fixed it. Here's how..

1) Download Flash Player directly:

2) Save it, don't run it

3) Close all your browsers and install the saved file

NOTE: The above link is for a Windows file, if you're using another OS visit to download the installation file directly.
evn I am not able to load my farm
mayk > Priyanka
Feb 27, 2010 at 02:55 PM
WTF! I got the same problem loading farmville. I did all advices I could get but still didn't work the only solution I got to keep it working is to uninstall and install firefox every time I play farmville.
thanks it really worked..................................................................
that solution worked thanxs
Thanks! This worked! Quick and easy!!!
Blocked Profile
Jul 16, 2009 at 10:46 AM

To simplify just use another browser,

I will advise you to use google chrome!

Download it here:

Install the browser
Jul 28, 2009 at 09:10 PM
I have the same problem and its still not working with google chrome
stuart > PsYcHoMoNkY3169
Nov 13, 2009 at 07:00 PM
Hi I had the same problem I had to disable the windows firewall it had put a block on zynga from using cookies
Raunak > stuart
Dec 10, 2009 at 07:19 AM
How to remove the block
JG > PsYcHoMoNkY3169
Dec 25, 2009 at 03:24 PM
I had the same problem, firewalls were off & it appeared the Flashplayer was downloading but it never installed propperly. I tried it about 10 times, then I noticed an advance tab that gives a choice of always trusting & alowing adobe upgrades. If you sellectit Windows Vista appears not to block it & it completes the installation. It then gave the box showing there logo rotating & said Flash 10 was installed. This may help you?
i am using an old pc which I build myself in 2004 and has a NVidia MX440-AGP8X graphics card and I am using an HP LP2065 monitor. I used to have the same problem and now I run my monitor speed at 120Hz. the problem of continous flashing is gone and I can play the farmville or any other game in full screen mode. my graphics resolution is 1600x1200 which may not be available from other graphics cards.

try to run your monitor on its highest speed!!!!!
how can I let my famviille work by himself
Yeah, there's something wrong with Zynga and there is something seriously wrong with the current version of flash player. Here are some of the links I have been to and NONE of the fixes work. I even rolled back to Flash 9 with no luck.

Yoville won't work. Rollercoaster won't allow for invites, adding neighbors, etc. so I can't advance past the tutorial because I can't add friends to work the rides. But it's not just those games... Restaurant city won't load. FarmTown won't load the neighbors page or the gifting link for FarmTown friends.

I don't know how much is Zynga, how much is Facebook, how much are updates, etc... but I suspect it's all in the Flash Player. Mostly because it does funky things and has other glitches. (Screen flashes randomly. With Rollercoaster the sad face to upgrade flashes up while the app loads at the same time. Profile pics won't load in FarmTown for neighbors. People randomly disappear. It crashed my Firefox because I was click on fields that it wouldn't plow... crashed it twice today! Firefox wasn't one to crash until I updated the Flash Player...)

Here's a whole thread where people describe the same problems. Just know you're not alone! ;^)
hii even I have the same problem earlier it used to open properly in firefox but thn it jus didnt open, so I started playin farmville in google chrome, the problem there it was opening but did not show any of my buildings except that all was fine & in IE it was opening but very very slow..
Having said all that today its not opening in any of the 3 browsers... have upgraded to latest version of flash .. dunno whts da matter......... can someone plz answer ma query.....
both Google Churm and flash player 10 work together can help me on the problem!
the same happened with me and I cant enter to my farm but my kids can????????????????why????????????the pc rejectd my mail? and my kids allowed them to enter to their farm>????????
mitash > ruba
Jan 26, 2010 at 10:42 PM
i had the same problem.. if you didn't solve yet, try deleting your neighbors, one by one, or at least those who are not your real friends and keep trying to login..
my farmville freezes,wont let me open garden shed,cant hardly get to market, if I go to gifts,stupid co-op jobs pop up,my tractor,etc,wont work, half the time,i dont get half of my gifts,yoville, same, it freezes,i go to visit,apt. is empty,no animated neighbors,it says my friends,isnt my friends,if zynga is going to have games,they need to keep them running,or shut them down,it's so annoying,i get to where I don't look forward to playing no more!!! zynga do something now!!! or a bunch of people will quit playing!!!
well reading through this I tried something with the windows firewall.

after disabling it I went to adobe and downloaded the flash player (again) and this time a new dialogue box opened and it loaded and installed. I also had to allow an exception for

well yeah, now I can play fishville again :)
turn off the windows firewall
bu clicking the control panel - windows firewall
and then turn it on again
that works for my computerr:))
try it!
i was a addict player of framville whole day and night but this past few days I been in trouble in farmville 2 weeks ago my technician reformat my laptop and install adobe flash player 10 and adobe flash player active x currently using firefox ...then 1 week later I was playing good in farmville then suddenly I just update all my plug-in and after a day I started to mess up in farmville I can load the game problem is I cant see all my neighbor for 2 days I was freaking out because I cant play email zynga tell them my prob but I dont know if they do something about it....until somebody here suggest installing adobe flash player but close all browser (download directly in on firewall...i remove active x I did not install it again only flash player plug-in then reinstall the firefox...restart and works so pretty good now try it my works for you

take note: on your browser look for tools and click option then click content you will see block pop-up window click advance and put the website that is allow for you then click ok, enabled java script then reload your browser again.make sure you go in adobe control panel manager setting look if the the 3rd party is check Click
I am having the same problem and it does not matter if you are using IE or Google Chrome, I have the problem with both of these Browsers; I'm not going to add Firefox and do this step with one, another step with another, etc...I have to agree, eah time I update Adobe, some really irritating issues come up. One time, videos would not play, another time only videos on Youtube would not play but they would play on places like MySpace etc...I kept trying to avoid updating Flash because I knew there would be an issue however, I could not keep "holding it off" because some things would not display until I clicked on the update. This is all weird but mostly annoying. So far, the crash only happens when I try to maximize the screen.
i havin same problem with flash player I on google chrome as well it says half way through download close chrome I can I down load flash player if browser closed every thing goes off please some one help
firewall turn it off. and then turn it back on
enable java script or download flash player then also it doesnt wrk then disable firewall
I also went directly to the adobe site, downloaded latest version of flash player and it seems to have resolved the issue with farmville, and farmtown!!!
I didn't read every post on this page, but from what I have read I can see that only one person has come close to telling what the problem really is...

This comes from Zynga (you can find it just below the Farmville menu line, i.e. "Play, Gift, Neighbors, Invite, etc." :

"Howdy farmers! We are resolving reported LOADING issues and have TURNED OFF WITHER, so your crops and farms are safe. Fix coming soon!"

Apparently it's not woking. :(P
hi all for me it doesnt wark but why my kids can open farm ville by their mails?
the farm does not wark only by my mail
i can enter to the face book but not to the farm ? why if I put another mail the farm opened?
is that meens that te mail affected? or what? yesterday I can open my farm for 1 min and nothing happened to it the crops are oki but for how long this will be?plz answer me
I have the same problem but things with firewall didn't work either... :(
PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!! I have tried IE, Firefox, Chrome and the same problem is that I can't play games on Facebook or any games really. Nothing works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have stupid Home Edition Vista, I am starting to hate it.
Same problem here.... IE doesn't allow me to open farmville... but fortunately enough, it opens in morzilla and can atleast do some farming though I cant add friends, accept gifts and send gifts...
I spend most of every day repairing Vista just so I can cripple to a coupke of pages. I can't go anywhere in Farmville ever. This has gone on for months. I reformat, doesn't matter. It is the same thing constantly. Unbelievable.
Windy....reformatting your computer wont solve it at all.
Simple, download safari browser from apple it works perfect. IE explorer on windows 7 is 64 bit which isn't supported by flash player.
*dmn-Qendrimi kosovo
Apr 14, 2010 at 03:14 PM
just disable internet download manager. for your brovswer and start farm ville . !:F:D have a nsce day.
Had the same problem, only got it working again after deleting all cookies.
Very odd situation.

Doesn't work on my IE via Facebook, but does on chrome. But ..... if you go direct to it does work ok there? WTF, must be something to do with Facebook perhaps?

I'll still try to find out why, so GF stops moaning .....
lol.. thanks mate... but I can get on it IE fine. it's just google... but I am a IT Pro so I will look in to it. I thought I can ask if any one has the same thing or as what I have. errors on loading sorry for asking :)
I just had this issue on my wife's computer. To get it to work for her we had to go to to download the update. It wouldn't install through the link.
yes, going to the adobe sight and downloading the update worked for me.
i cant get in my farm and the other people cant get on my farm either
please help
I can not get on my farm..I can click on Neighbors and see all of my neighbors, but can not visit any farms, including my own. The only thing I am able to do is send gifts.

I have reinstalled Flash Player and disabled cookies and nothing will help to let me go onto Farmville. How does this happen, if most of my other neighbors are able to play just fine?
I can't get on either. I'm assuming it's something with FarmVille given the message they are showing and the fact that I can't get on but both my sons can, using the same computer. At least our crops won't wither while they are fixing it. We'll just have to be patient I think, unfortunately.