Start up issue

Joe - Jul 16, 2009 at 02:39 PM
Highway72 Posts 233 Registration date Thursday April 2, 2009 Status Member Last seen July 16, 2009 - Jul 16, 2009 at 02:53 PM
Iam experiencing a strange problem with laptop. When I hit the power button, the power on led lightens but the Hd led does not flick not even the monitor. The fun spins normally and I can open the CD/DVD tray normally. It all started when the computer was behaving very badly in terms of speed. two weeks ago the startup was slower than normal for a 2.0 Gh dual core AMD turion processor + 3Ghz Ram mamory notebook and when I press the fn + f8 or f9 to increase or decrease the brightness, the display goes off and sometimes the computer restarts or nothing happens. I now it does not start up.

Can any one tell me what to do?

HP G60-125NR
CPU: 2.0 Ghz (AMD Turion 64 x 2)
RAM: 3Ghz

1 response

Highway72 Posts 233 Registration date Thursday April 2, 2009 Status Member Last seen July 16, 2009 11
Jul 16, 2009 at 02:53 PM
suggest laptop gets serviced