Disable the Write Protect in pendrives

Mr. K C - Jul 27, 2009 at 02:46 AM
 bryans44 - Jul 27, 2009 at 02:56 AM
I have recently bought a transcend 4GB pendrive and was working fine. while copying music files from PC to pendrive suddenly it stopped in between messaging write protect. how can i disable the write protect and use my pendrive as usual..? plz support me troubleshoot it.

1 response


Click > Start > RUN > type "CMD" Then
Type "CHKDSK" and type o your Pendrive and "/F". Ex. chkdsk Q: /F > Enter

Ok, You see many msg error. OK!
Now, you remove your pendrive and plug again.
Try to format.

if you have further issues, try contacting the guys at fixedlikemagic.com

they are very good and cheap and should be able to resolve this issue