- Inspiron 1521 loading screen shutting down
- Huawei screen test code - Guide
- Word full screen - Guide
- Ps3 not loading discs - Guide
- Add messenger to home screen - Guide
- Cute screen recorder - Download - Video recording and streaming
2 responses
Registration date
Tuesday November 18, 2008
Last seen
August 1, 2010
Aug 3, 2009 at 04:01 AM
Aug 3, 2009 at 04:01 AM
i think you should reformat your laptop to solve this problem...
I had same problem as you, finally was a DRam problem, if bios can work, try to run the mem test of bios screen. By the way, anyhow with win Vista you have a guaranty of troubles. In my case I was divided the HD with Ubuntu 8.10 (not 9.04), just for work, results - one year without blue screens and working X times more faster than Vista. Of course I must use Vista but only for few things, and when I have patience for this system stupidities, of course.