Multiple (dual) monitor issue

turkey-lurky - Aug 19, 2009 at 02:19 PM
rossdavid Posts 185 Registration date Tuesday November 18, 2008 Status Member Last seen August 6, 2010 - Aug 19, 2009 at 04:31 PM
I just purchased 2 Dell UltraSharp 1908FP monitors to connect to an HP Pavilion computer, graphics card 1 GB Radeon HD 4850 (2 DVI, HDMI, and VGA adapters). When I right click on the desktop, go to Properties, Settings, Advanced, Monitor, I am not given any choice of monitor or the dual computer graphic I see on other computers
here in my office.
It shows "Default Monitor" and "properties in this window is grayed out.

I wanted to expand my workspace to both computers but all I have is a clone right now...

My operating system is Windows XP professional x64.

Many thanks,

1 response

rossdavid Posts 185 Registration date Tuesday November 18, 2008 Status Member Last seen August 6, 2010 29
Aug 19, 2009 at 04:31 PM
Please do check the cables and the powercable as well, normally it's plug and play, can't really know where the problem is from.