Instant and permanent blank screen

frustro Posts 1 Registration date Sunday August 23, 2009 Status Member Last seen August 24, 2009 - Aug 24, 2009 at 02:08 PM
sharpman Posts 1021 Registration date Saturday May 23, 2009 Status Contributor Last seen October 20, 2010 - Aug 24, 2009 at 02:18 PM
Hello, I've been browsing the internet trying to look for answers, but nothing seems to fit my own problems.

I'm having a problem with my computer and i have yet to find any working answers. My screens (2, never been a problem before) will show a no signal appearance upon startup and theres an absolute lack of sound. No startup image, no loading bar, no little jingle theme, or anything else. I've attempted to hit f2, f8, f11, and f12 so i can start it up in safe mode. But through trial I've found out that my keyboard locks just over 1 second after i hit the "on" button. I've replaced the reciever for the wireless keyboard and it doesn't lock but i don't get any response, or at least theres no change to tell me theres a response. I tried using a direct usb keyboard, still no response.

Couple days ago i had a BSOD labeling 0x0000001a (and a few others unknown right now) as problem. I haven't been able to fix this problem because i don't have the ability to get on my computer to do anything about it.

The current OS that I'm using is WIndows Vista Ultimate, and the last time before this happened was the restart after Windows Service Pack 2 was installed (installed then it told me to restart, and i did so => worked fine => shut down => bam this happens).

2 responses

sharpman Posts 1021 Registration date Saturday May 23, 2009 Status Contributor Last seen October 20, 2010 183
Aug 24, 2009 at 02:18 PM
disconnect everything from your pc. all you need are a stick of ram, a keyboard and the means to view, be it onboard graphics or vga card.

boot up your pc, does it work?
sharpman Posts 1021 Registration date Saturday May 23, 2009 Status Contributor Last seen October 20, 2010 183
Aug 24, 2009 at 02:18 PM
should have added, at this time leave hdd disconnected.