Networking problem ? how to put three devices

imi6969 - Aug 25, 2009 at 06:30 PM
 imi6969 - Aug 30, 2009 at 06:03 PM
PC 1 ip address
default gateway

PC 2 ip address
default gateway

Printer Hp 8150 ip address

Both pcs and printer are attached to the integrated switch ports of a BT router.
both pcs are able to use the pc2 can access printer while residing on differrent network.
when i change the ip address of pc2 to the same network as printer pc2 stop printing.......
Anyone please explain ...
how can I put all three( pc1 , pc2 and printer in same network so both pc can access to the printer and also communicate with each other.
Both pcs are set to obtain ip address automatically.


Would be very grateful for your pro help and advice.

thanks in advance

9 responses

Yes all three are connected in the router as mentioned earlier..........

you know what are u talking about.........or its me who is not able to "take" sense out of it.

I think all three devices should be in same SUB NET (of course with differrent ip addresses in that SUB NET ) , they should have same identical gateway, ...and after that both pcs should be able to ping each other and also access the printer......which is not the case .......why why
CyborgCop Posts 48 Registration date Tuesday August 25, 2009 Status Member Last seen September 10, 2009 12
Aug 25, 2009 at 10:42 PM
an easy way to do it. would be

Have your PC"s be able to communicate with each other

Get the printer to work with one..

Then just share the printer. As opposed to trying to get it to be on the network; like a computer..

Ensure your computers have the same workgroup.
yes it can be done that way but then the pc attached to the printer must be on alway if other pc want to print.

I am not only looking for viable solution but also wants to know the mentioned in my original posting
CyborgCop Posts 48 Registration date Tuesday August 25, 2009 Status Member Last seen September 10, 2009 12
Aug 26, 2009 at 10:48 PM
assuming your printer has a network port.. Plug them all up into your router..

they shouldn't have different addresses entirely.. just the ipaddress of each one should be unique.. but the subnet and gateway should be the same.
CyborgCop Posts 48 Registration date Tuesday August 25, 2009 Status Member Last seen September 10, 2009 12
Aug 28, 2009 at 02:19 AM
my question would be.. where are you getting the gateways from.. for the different computers..

If you have 2 dhcp's active.. that will mess with things.. How about just setting up everything as static.. and see if that works for ya.
I ve tried by placing all threre devices in that same subnet , by asigning the ip addresses to pcs statically but fot some starnge reasons pc 2 stop accessing the printer.

How to disable DHCP.... do I need to diable at the router?
CyborgCop Posts 48 Registration date Tuesday August 25, 2009 Status Member Last seen September 10, 2009 12
Aug 28, 2009 at 11:54 PM
CyborgCop Posts 48 Registration date Tuesday August 25, 2009 Status Member Last seen September 10, 2009 12
Aug 29, 2009 at 10:17 PM
hmm.. i hope I didn't just disable your computers..

when you go to static.. You need to know your router info.. I usually just follow with "whatever" dhcp would've given me.. B/C all the address have to match up for it work..

Your Router has 2 IP address's

The One it's uses on your network (internal)
And an external one that it uses connecting to outside..
It's like a wall..


If you've got all your computer hooked to the router.. then the DHCP will hand out addresses based on what's it's told to do..

By default it should pass out addresses that will work.


PC1 should be like or something similar (subnet) (gateway) (the ipaddress of the device it's routing to; in this case your router)


Printer (might not need or have a gateway)


(external) (essentially it's something totally different; and that's why it blocks everything out)

Anyways, if for some reason everything goes WYRY.. just reset your router and put all your computers back on DHCP.. should clear everything back up..

Here's a demo setup.. so.. when I look at your first post.. I think that's really where the problem is.. B/c you have different IP address's and different gateways.. I'm not a professional in networking so I can't tell you why that particular setup works for you.. But I can access your printer/network problem.
Thanks ....I did not try it yet but I will let you know .....Thanks once again