Wireless issues

JH - Jul 15, 2008 at 01:17 AM
 dell dude - Jul 15, 2008 at 03:41 AM

One of my friends just bought a new HP laptop running the Windows Vista OS today and came over to my house to show me it. They came right over and connected right onto my wireless network with a linksys router which isn't encrypted at all. When they go home that night they can not reconnect to their network which uses a Netgear router and has encryption. So basically Before they came over they had no connection issues at all and after connecting to my network they can not connect to their network, everything is green strong signal and they can see their router but when they open up their web browser they get the page cannot be displayed message. They're the only one in the house that has this issue. Any help would be most appreciated!

1 response

in control pannel open network connections,right click the appropriate connection and click properties
in the general tab you'll find the name of network adapter click configure,in the advanced tab you'll find
property and value keep looking in property until value is Ad Hoc or Infrastructure and choose Infrastructue
the click OK,open control pannel and then network connections an right click the appropriate connection again
and click properties,in the general tab you'll find this connection uses the following items:,check the Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) and click properties button below it ,in the general tab use all the values as the main comp(get it the same way from the main comp)exept for the IP Address: increase the last digit by 1 only if it wasn't obtain an IP Adress Automatically if it was Automaic leave it as it is, click OK ,click OK again(the parent window)..... If he follows this instructions, he should be find.