Connect an additional pc

chummy - Sep 10, 2009 at 03:22 AM
dancedhall Posts 3053 Registration date Wednesday May 13, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 12, 2010 - Sep 10, 2009 at 05:15 AM

I have a laptop that is connected to a secure wirless network, with access by password and code only. (its a works connection) i would like to connect an additional laptop via the one already connected. I have a stand alone router, is there some way of linking the two computers together so that he second has access to the internet also. note the wirless conection only alows one computer to log on at a time via wirless so i need to some how hard wire btween the to computers.

1 response

dancedhall Posts 3053 Registration date Wednesday May 13, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 12, 2010 656
Sep 10, 2009 at 05:15 AM
hi there,

your router must have at least

3 ports

if not then take the uplink from it

and plug it to another router,hub or modem that has

more pots

then continue with the one using wireless

and other pc can use wired connection without any problem
