Shut down hang

msmirza - Sep 23, 2009 at 12:09 PM
closeup22 Posts 8922 Registration date Friday May 15, 2009 Status Member Last seen October 7, 2010 - Sep 28, 2009 at 01:48 PM
I have internet cable i have done each n everything i.e scanning,registry clean defgragment n also format( c: drive) i cant format others drive bcoz of my files.So problem is when i used internet and when the time comes to shut down it hangs.
Note:If i unplugged internet cable from back it will shut down properly
But i cant unplugged then plug each n every time

1 response

closeup22 Posts 8922 Registration date Friday May 15, 2009 Status Member Last seen October 7, 2010 2,099
Sep 28, 2009 at 01:48 PM
hi there,

if you are downloading from the net

or windows is downloading updates

this will slow down the turn off as it must stop all runing applications

then shut down, please verify that you stop all downloads

then shut down
