Expanding the Disk Space without formatting

Tapan Borgohain - Oct 30, 2009 at 12:40 AM
 Tapan Borgohain - Oct 30, 2009 at 01:21 AM
I have got a problem since 28/10/09. I am installing Vista Business on a Dell Vostro system on C drive, but due to virus the desktop is hidden, neither any files nor any drives are being shown. Then I install the Vista again on D drive keeping the C drive as Recovery Drive.
Now the problem is that the C Drive is full because it has only 14 GB, and the user got problem while using it. I want to expand the size of the C Drive. Kindly Suggest.

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Oct 30, 2009 at 01:06 AM
Dear Sir,

Please consider removing the virus and hence have the problem fixed.

Thanks in advance.
Tapan Borgohain
Oct 30, 2009 at 01:21 AM

I have alredy the scan the system and the system is now virus free. But still the problem persist. KIndly suggest how to expand the Drive size of C which is only 14 GB.