Help-I cant get the old administrator off

Troubled woman - Nov 15, 2009 at 10:52 PM
 sarahousing - Apr 5, 2010 at 12:54 AM
The old administrator will not remove the password from my computer, I cannot download anything. Kids games, my interests, etc.. Now I find that there is a "Refrog" programs on my computer. I cant get it off either. I am sure you can guess where this is going...anyways I am going to have to pay a couple of hundred bucks to get this fixed if I cannot get this administrator thing taken off. Then I have the problem of finding this "Refrog" sneaky program and removing it. I really need some help, I am not totally computer savvy, but very literate. Thanks to anyone who believes and is willing to help me out.


3 responses

nomadcrys Posts 195 Registration date Tuesday November 18, 2008 Status Member Last seen January 29, 2010 48
Nov 15, 2009 at 11:44 PM
I think this link can help you a lot :
how do you get the administrator off your comuper
Your biggest concern is not just this refrog, but that someone has placed it on your computer and is monitoring everything thing you and your family are doing on your computer! Its not a virus, its someone who you know who put this in your computer secretly. Its called a keylogger, because it logs all the key strokes you used on your pc. I purchase this for business purposes for montoring my employees, but it has private purposes as well. You will need an expert or friend who is computer literate to remove this from your system. You need to reinstall the original software, which includes the operationg system and this will give you admin. access then and can get rid of the darn thing. Yes it is powerful! Can you get the administrator password from whoever you obtained the computer from? this is the easiest solution! best wishes! You'll need it and maybe a prayer!