Page cannot be displayed msg in IE & Mozilla

Reshmi Posts 2 Registration date Friday September 5, 2008 Status Member Last seen September 6, 2008 - Sep 6, 2008 at 02:53 AM
benjasmine Posts 1 Registration date Friday December 5, 2014 Status Member Last seen December 5, 2014 - Dec 5, 2014 at 05:17 AM

I have got a problem with my system. The Internet Explorer was working fine, but suddenly yesterday for any url
provided in the browser window, it shows 'Page cannot be displayed'. Am not able to browse any pages. Am providing the right URL only. When am trying to login to my yahoo msgr it works perfectly alright. Only problem is with the browser.

I tried the following

---> Setting the Windows Security settings to default,

---> Checking the network connections.

---> Tried downloading Mozilla and tried browsing from that, to know whether the problem is with IE, but the same problem exist with Mozilla too.

My OS is Windows Vista.

Please guide me on what I need to do.

24 responses

You guys could try the following to bring back the browser service, if it's not a connection or dns issue:

1. in the cml run "regsvr32 actxprxy.dll" and "regsvr32 shdocvw.dll"

2. reboot windows

If the above couldn't fix the issues, run the following extra commds:

regsvr32 mshtml.dll
regsvr32 urlmon.dll
regsvr32 msjava.dll
regsvr32 shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 browseui.dll
regsvr32 actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 shell32.dll
and restart the system once again
yep I TRY IT EVERYTHING but at last this thing ypu recomend me help out thanks my friend..... I hope it help others with same problem.. I inserted those commands and voala.. thanks from mexico :)
Holy smokes, this is a first for me, i.e. someone who actually knew what they were talking about. Bless You!!

Your fix worked. You're the greatest.

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