Can i delete text up to a character in excel

martin simpson - Dec 2, 2009 at 05:20 AM
 Mahek - Dec 13, 2011 at 11:15 AM
Is there a way of deleting all the text up to a certain character in excel. i im trying to import a CSV file in to exchange and need it tyding up first. So for example in excel I could have a entry of
X400:c=GB;a=NHS;p=NHS N West HN;o=NHS North West Lancs HA;s=Robin;g=Alayne;ou1=Health Promotion Unit;

Is there any way of deleting all the text left of the % character. I have tried the LEFT and RIGHT commands but have to specify the number of characters, but need to do this for thousands of entries ?

2 responses

You are also able to do text to columns - highlight the column, on the data tab select "text to columns," choose the "delimited" radio button, and then select the character in your cell or enter it in the blank field.
This will give you 2 columns and you can delete the left one.
Wow. Nice one. You rock!
Thank you!!. Helped me as well
If the character is always the same (i.e. the %) have a look at the FIND command, which you can then combine with LEFT or RIGHT to extract.