WiFi to livebox problem

k9dribble - Oct 7, 2008 at 06:54 AM
 moorzey - Sep 2, 2010 at 03:34 PM
Hello, can someone please help me.My friend is livebox connected and I want to link up using WiFi but my PC see's the livebox but is unable to connect. There seems to be a padlock symbol showing that needs to be unlocked. I have asked my friend who cannot get into the livebox software as he has forgotten his username and password. I have tried ringing Orange to no avail. What can I do?

14 responses

the padlock it the wep key which is written on the bottom of the livebox, also make sure you press the number 1 button on the livebox to sync it wiv pc otherwise it will just be a pending connection :O)
been trying to connect all night looked at loads of solutions tried yours worked first time thanx happy house now
what do you mean by the number 1 button?????... I have rang orange and they say the wifi button but still no connections??

Thanks if you can help me!!
hope123 > lucy
Jan 9, 2010 at 05:10 PM
concerning botton 1 is the association number for livebox Inventel you must press until Diode wifi flashes

for Sagem 1.1 ............> REG boten
for Sagem 1.2 or V2 or thomson..............> wifi botton

If you have some question especially about livebox and wifi I invite you to visit this site if you have difficalties to understand fransh translate the page
good luck

God Allah with you all
the number 1 button is on the back of the livebox, there is a number 1 and number 2 button. if you push number 1 it will go into pairing mode and the lights on top of your livebox will flash, when its flashing/after youve pressed it you will have 10 minties to connect to it.
Jónico > jkc
Feb 2, 2010 at 08:58 AM
Exactly when am I supposed to press that Button Number 1?
I can only connect my iPod Touch or/and my laptop when the light is flashing (which it does automatically when I enable wifi in the LIvebox security configuration settings). Then, after a few days or so, it stops flashing and I lose any ability to connect. Sometimes this happens while I am connected. Pressing Button 1 does nothing. I click on the LIvebox icon, disable Wifi, then re-enable it. The light flashes, and I connect.

The manual (in Spanish) mentions nothing about using the buttons (or any other feature other than basic installation).
Help! It's driving me crazy!
aquarelle Posts 7141 Registration date Saturday April 7, 2007 Status Moderator Last seen December 19, 2024 491
Oct 7, 2008 at 01:07 PM
You have to put the livebox in "association" mode : http://translate.google.com/...
And after, you have to configure your wireless connection on Vista : http://translate.google.com/...
The Wep key is on the livebox label : http://translate.google.com/...
Best regards
Thanks for the heads up, but even tweeking the items you suggested I still have no connection. In fact the error messages state:

1) Limited or No Connectivity (I have tried to repair this and I got the following error message :- Invalid IP address)

2) I have tried to set up the network but it doesn't register the WIFI product being disconnected and reconnected and throws up a microsoft error message 871122

The padlock symbol has still not been released from my network connections diagram, so I can see info is being passed from my PC to the livebox but it is not communicating with me.

What else can I do?
forgot my pastword can I change it
hi yes you can, you have to reset the router, its a tiny button somewhere on the router usually use a paperclip ect to push it, usuall found by other buttons
aquarelle Posts 7141 Registration date Saturday April 7, 2007 Status Moderator Last seen December 19, 2024 491
Oct 8, 2008 at 06:47 AM
Go to to" Internet Options"--->Then click on the "Connections" tab and click on "LAN Settings..." button and verify if the case "Use a proxy server for your LAN " is always unchecked.

Just a quick message of thanks, as I am now up and working.
aquarelle Posts 7141 Registration date Saturday April 7, 2007 Status Moderator Last seen December 19, 2024 491 > k9dribble
Oct 8, 2008 at 03:36 PM
Happy to have been able to help you. Good continuation.
Best regards
i have a problem, I am trying to connect to livebox on my laptop, I am putting in the 26 letter key but stil wont let me connect to it, how do I change the key so it wil connect to my laptop under wpa or something with a shorter key??
could sum1 help me...
where you type in the 26 digit key make sure you change WPA to WEP, hope it helps :)
aquarelle Posts 7141 Registration date Saturday April 7, 2007 Status Moderator Last seen December 19, 2024 491
Oct 7, 2008 at 04:30 PM
Read this concerning the microsoft error message 871122 : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/871122/
See you
Thanks again for the heads up, but now I have another problem that goes onwards from clearing the last.

According to my computer I can now be connected to the livebox, but when I try to connect to the internet I get the following message come up

403 Forbidden

and the words underneath that read: Access Denied and something about Access Control List?

Can you help?
hi just reading ur post, re error 403 usually means webpage doesnt exist or is a 'bad' page, if you know the webpage your visiting is legit then it can mean you have a virus of sorts...
hi how do I get live box wpa key so I can use it on my pHone
look under your live box its printed on the bottom.
I have a I pod touch. How can I get internet.I mean I wish I was abel to get it any were.
Is there any way I could buy a wifi to put into my I pod touch so I am able to get it any were.
What is the point of having internet so you can ONLY use it at home I dont get that at all.
Thank you please email back.
buy an iphone
you should get mifi its like router but its got no wires
Brunette with blonde tendancies
Jan 30, 2010 at 03:08 AM
I'm having similar problems...exchanged my old livebox for the new mini 2 now I can't connect my lappy either with WIFI or ethernet...

At first I was having IP problems which is now resolved...

Now when trying to connect on the lappy ..browser advises the connection has timed out...

I have sorted the "LAN Settings..." and verified that "Use a proxy server for your LAN " is unchecked. ... (it wasnt previously but is now) but I still cannot connect...

Any ideas???
Sorry,but I not use LIVEBOX now but my wii cant get internet
and I dont understand the PROXY SERVER and that whas bored :(
:( It's a wii pwn but I cant get intaanet in my wii...
And that whas bored,wifi no connected wifi no connected):
on wii go to internet connections, make sure ur router is in pairing mode on livebox it is button 1, belkin does it automatically, type in your routers password (wep/wpa key) should then connect
hi there u have to press button number 2 on the side of the orange live box.. to allow the livebox to give a gateway for a new computer to connect to the wifi hope this helps
... It's my Wii Wifi connection problem...
And I want to get internet in my Wii :(