Parent Embarrasment

goofychick23 - Mar 19, 2010 at 01:39 PM
 noname - Mar 19, 2010 at 06:59 PM
Okay, here's my problem. I REALLLLLLYYY want a laptop (internet included) and i'm the kind of person who basically gets spoiled (you know how teens are) but that's not true, people think i'm spoiled only because i ask a lot for things and i end up NOT getting them. So seriously, help me. I need to find a way HOW to ask them, and WHY i want it (which is simple, uhh the web) and WHO'S gonna pay for it (ahhh not me... i hope) So help me, tell me what i should do to get my FABULOUS laptop in no time.

1 response

Can't think of anything legal, or involving your parents. Sorry.