Which is better ps3 or xbox 360 and y

jughead - Mar 21, 2010 at 09:10 PM
 sadfsd - Aug 18, 2010 at 04:31 PM
which do yall think is better and y ps3 or xbox 360

5 responses

PS3 has a more advanced processor, built in WiFi, BD, HD DVD, and CD support, free network use (unlike Xbox Live), and so on.
I just bought a PS3 about 2 months ago, and I find it faster, and far better than the Xbox 360 I used to use.
Plus, the WiFi is free, unlike Xbox, where you have to pay USD 99.99 for a antenna and USD 49.99 for Live coverage.
You also get web browser, webcam, linux, and media support.
Other features:
Completely free Playstation Home game.
Cheaper when all the components are added up.
More power efficient.
Less Noisy.
More HDD space.
Full 1080i and 1080p support on ALL HD TVs.
Full flash and partial java operation.
Ability to use USB drives and photo cards.
Backwards compatibility for older PS2 and PS games.
I hope you make the right choice.
My PSN is SaucySone.

Sources: I did extensive research when I got both my Xbox AND my PS3. The Xbox, by the way, is also more prone to crashing or fatal errors, mot of which are not warranty covered.
xbox 360 needed helped from ps3 with hardware and supplies 1st ps3 2nd xbox 360 3rd wii
Aug 12, 2010 at 11:07 AM
ps3 has built in wifi and plays bluray

psn is free, xbox live isn't

ps3 has uncharted 2, metal gear solid 4, killzone 2, resistance 2, demons souls, littlebigplanet, modnation racers, god of war, mag, infamous, ratchet and clank, and warhawk.
xbox has halo, gears of war, crackdown, fable, and left 4 dead, mass effect, and dead rising (but that doesn't matter since dead rising 2 is coming to the ps3)
Gamer4life Posts 31 Registration date Tuesday July 20, 2010 Status Member Last seen August 4, 2010 2
Jul 24, 2010 at 02:37 AM
Xbox has made microsoft to lose more than 2billions of dollars... and that only on the first year so....I think that sony PS3 is the best. I will cliassify the onsoles this wan

1.PC(Of course)
4Xbox 360

And the xbox have a limited lifetime, i have my ps3 since the year it was out and since now...no problems.......but my xbox broke down like 1 year after ive bought it!