Win 7 Browsers doesnt play sounds

kenny - Mar 23, 2010 at 06:36 PM
 Blocked Profile - Mar 24, 2010 at 01:32 AM
I just bought new computer and started it normally everything was installed already, i dl Firefox and go youtube but sounds doesnt work, when i test with IE doesnt work either.

Sounds work fine with Realtek test and with media player, but browsers doesnt play any sounds.

Im using Windows Vista and Firefox 3.6.2

I tried the registry fix thing mentioned in this "forum" but not working. I have also checked the volumes in vista sound volume option for different softwares.

nothing seems to work =(


1 response

Blocked Profile
Mar 24, 2010 at 01:32 AM
Hi there,

You mean while playing music you get sound and on internet browsers its not giving sound?If so then install flash player to get sound from youtube etc..,use link below to download it:
