Info at the left side on my page is gone.

hazel - Apr 29, 2010 at 02:51 AM
 rachel - Apr 29, 2010 at 04:52 PM

Take a look at my FB page. (Hazel Wiwie Lockheart)

My personal info on the left side of my page is missing. How did that happen? And how do I fix it?
My personal info, friends list.. all gone.

1 response

I too have the same problem. It started last night. I lost all my info from the left side and my friends can't even access my Info loads and loads but does absolutely nothing. At first I thought I was hacked....I've tried everything to get it back but nothing has worked. I want my facebook back the way it was before.
Please help if anyone knows what the heck is going on.
My facebook is Rachel Scully