Memory card locked on 5800

vaibs001 - May 28, 2010 at 12:52 AM
 VAIBS - Jul 27, 2010 at 05:37 PM
my micro sd card on my 5800 is locked, and i have not set password it. I just performed a soft reset as my camera application was not working, so now my phone asks me for a password to use my mem card. I cannot see contacts or messages as they are stored on the card. I cant use the FE explorer method as nothing of mem card is visible without the password.
Please help

3 responses

Blocked Profile
May 28, 2010 at 05:05 AM
Dear Sir,

Please find the solution how you can get it unlocked from the following guidelines.

this exact thing is happening to me RIGHT NOW. i've spent more than six hours straight on the net and its now 6:30 in the morning and i haven't found anything yet. i've tried the remote lock thing, i set a new lock message, and i'd be able to lock and unlock my phone perfectly. but although they said the new lock message will be the memory card's new password, that isn't the case for me. my lock message is 123456789, but it STILL won't open my memory card. have you found anything? what did you do?
no solution dude ....
i formatted my card so that i could use ....
u will get use to the loss of data if u have :)