Cant play dvds or load pc games??

Elliot - May 29, 2010 at 09:11 PM
 nano - May 29, 2010 at 10:08 PM
Hello, Name is elliot. I had a couple questions. i bought a pc game and it wont even pop up to install it or play dvds or cds what is going on with my lab top its a POS compaq 2000 windows xp can you help me??


1 response

Generally this type of error occoured only when the dvd/cd ROM lens is not working, i am sure that the lens of your pc optical drive is not working.
if it is working then your laptop should pop up you to install or play, dvd & cd.
so, to troubleshoot this problem you have to visit the hp sevice center.'
if your pc is under base warrenty or extended warrenty, service center eould not charge you for solving this issue; if not so then they will charge you.
secondly, i must recommend you to perform system recovery....
for more support visit:
enter you pc model no. and click on support.