Black screen..wont boot..cant restore.. help

smca - Jul 16, 2010 at 04:30 PM
 Blocked Profile - Jul 20, 2010 at 04:09 AM

I have a Toshiba laptop when i turn it on everthing sound and seems ok the usual logos come up but it goes to a black screen before it even gets to the log in screen ... and stays like this for hours and hours and it wont boot !

I have attempted to restore it by pressing F8 and going to advanced options , but when these options comes up and i press 'repair your computer' nothing happenes it just stays on the same screen... if i press any other options it just goes back to the black screen again !

I dont have no dics to restore it the only disc i received was a BIOS cd-rom disc which i dont know what this is ???

As my warranty is up i cant get no support from the company where i got my laptop ?

Can someone please help me or give me some advice please

1 response

Blocked Profile
Jul 20, 2010 at 04:09 AM
Dear Sir,

Please get the problem solved through the below steps.

Thank you.