My pc Shutdowns and the it...

dexwin Posts 6 Registration date Wednesday August 4, 2010 Status Member Last seen September 26, 2010 - Aug 4, 2010 at 10:19 PM
dexwin Posts 6 Registration date Wednesday August 4, 2010 Status Member Last seen September 26, 2010 - Aug 5, 2010 at 03:54 PM
Hello guys, a few weeks ago my neighbor gave me his computer because he was going to throw it away. I turn it on and everything was fine so I kept it on my attic just in case. Now my brother wanted to use it so I took it out for him connected internet. What happens now ... I turn on PC , starts cheking for the RAM and suddenly it turns of and restarts and it sounds like it was short on power (like when you try to turn on a car with low battery) and its shuts down restart shutdown restart... I opened up pc, I put on another power supply and still same problem.. What could it be then? can anyone help me please?

Thanks in advance

P.S. The Computer is a compaq presario with 1.6 ghz and 512 Ram (its the only thing visable in this thing =[ )


2 responses

mancy Posts 124 Registration date Monday July 26, 2010 Status Member Last seen April 6, 2016 94
Aug 5, 2010 at 01:27 AM
Random reboots are typically caused by one of the following: Overheating, bad motherboard, corrupt operating system or bad hard drive. First, open the case and check the CPU fan to see if it is spinning correctly and a full speed. Next, examine the motherboard capacitors for any signs of bulging and or leaks on the board.

You may rule out the MB and CPU fan by alternately, swapping out the hard drive into the PC if you happen to have an extra one around with an operating system installed. If it works fine after the swap, then you have just narrowed down where the issue lies.
dexwin Posts 6 Registration date Wednesday August 4, 2010 Status Member Last seen September 26, 2010
Aug 5, 2010 at 03:54 PM
Mmmm good thinking, I have spare PC parts i'll change the CPU fan and see if i have any luck, and I already try the swapping. I think its the CPU o.o but thanks =D