Unable to see contact list on MSN Messenger 9

HC - Dec 22, 2008 at 09:08 PM
 Prab - Jun 9, 2011 at 01:25 PM

I've been using MSN Windows Live Messenger 9 for a while now, but I got a new problem lately. When I open MSN, the log in page will come up. I typed in my log in name and password, but it will remain on that log in platform. I am not able to view my contact list. No error code comes up whatsoever. I am unable to use my MSN.

So I tried to uninstall it and install the 8.5 version instead, but it wouldn't let me do so.

What's the problem? What should I do? Please email me back.

My operation system is:
Windows XP
Maxthon browser


13 responses

Okay for anyone who has the disappearing contaact list i have a faster solution.

1) Open your msn and login...even though you have no contacts
2) Open your Windows task manager
3) Go to process and find msnmessenger...or something similar to that and click on it then select end process
4) Restart the msnmessnger and your contacts will be there

It works ALL the time guranteed. and WAY faster than re-installing. or downgrading
cheer allstar
Aug 6, 2009 at 04:57 AM
hey thanks, this helped, as i had the same problem. Thanks!
Thank you so much man, your solution is perfect.
It works with me...
its doesnt work at all...did exactly the same thing. :(

dude i tried this trick but i still cant see my contacts in my msn contact list, its really killing me damnt
Many thanks !!! It worked for me also !!!
close messenger

bring up the Run box, and put in the following:
%userprofile%\local settings\application data\microsoft\windows live contacts
then click OK

just delete everything you see.

start messenger

wait for few.. sometimes it will take alot.. but its worth for

contacts will work...

10000000000000000% safe and useful
you have to reset the registry key for your contacts.
Either save and install (shut down messenger first) from this:

Or click RUN - regedit, and delete the policies key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger\

MAKE sure you close messenger first. Once done, reboot messenger and it should be ok.
I can't use any older version as it says "You must update your messenger to the newest version to proceed". Also I tried that regedit thing and it didn't work. I've also tried to reinstall messenger but nothing. Can anyone help?
iahq76 > mamarolls
Apr 9, 2009 at 03:54 PM
I can't use any older version as it says "You must update your messenger to the newest version to proceed". Also I tried that regedit thing and it didn't work. I've also tried to reinstall messenger but nothing. Can anyone help?

Plz keep on using live messenger version 8.1 or 8.5. both version never remind you to update new version, both version working fine no problem with contact list. for all who have lost contact list after installing windows live messenger 9 plz dont worry your contact list is there where you placed, uninstall live messenger 9 and install live messenger version 8.5. log in, hopefully your contact list will come back, do chat and enjoy.
ive done what u said to me but it didnt work either.could u explain more about the policy key?i did go through this HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger but i think i delete the wrong key.i just find something that has the word policy and i delete it.hehe :) and i ask jonathan kay too,see if he could help me.
this don't seem to make any difference :(
I fixed it for myself somehow...

• Closed the msn messenger process.
• Went to the aforementioned registry location:
• Double clicked 'ProtocolHandlerLock' and changed the 0 to a 1
• Closed regedit, and opened MSN.

All my contacts are back (but when i look back in the registry, the 'ProtocolHandlerLock' thingo has changed back to 0..... dunno what that means.

So yeh - no idea why it worked, but it did, and im happy :D
alkingmafia Posts 1 Registration date Sunday January 31, 2010 Status Member Last seen February 1, 2010
Feb 1, 2010 at 04:18 PM
easy solution

1) Open your msn and login...even though you have no contacts
2) Open your Windows task manager
3) Go to process and find msnmessenger...or something similar to that and click on it then select end process
4) Restart the msnmessnger and your contacts will be there

It works ALL the time guranteed. and WAY faster than re-installing. or downgrading

Hope it might helped you :)
Hey alkingmafia, your solution worked perfectly. Thank you very much.
mshaikh > RiaRegina
Feb 26, 2010 at 06:41 AM
thanks dear your solution worked well for me thanks a ton :)
Thank you so much dude... appreciate it...
i did as per your instructions and my msn start woriking by showing the contacts..
Thanks for that .

Best regards,
For those who are forced to the download a newer version of WinLive Messenger.
Here is a trick you can do so to avoid that annoying message, it works on all version for me.
1- Exit WinLive Messenger (this means right clicking the Messenger tray icon and choosing Exit) go to the shortcut on your desktop and right click on it.
2- Then choose the Compability tab at the top, and check the box which says: Execute this program in mode of compability for, after that choose (Windows 2000) then OK.
3- When done restart the messenger and a quick installation of new configuration will start. Don't do anything coz it will be done itself.

Hope I helped and I am sorry for my bad language, but my operating system (WinXP) is in french.
I tried my best to translate.
i found a SOLUTION!!!! i had this problem for weeks... MSN 9 beta is a piece of crap and i was even having trouble uninstalling it from my pc. but go to zap messenger.com that should remove msn 9 beta and dowload version 8.1 dont use 8.5 it wont work... 8.1 is compatible with msn live plus!! which is great. GOOD LUCK
ok heres the perfect solution that works more then anything this is the 6.5 version that doesn't force u to update and works perfectly heres the link http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/thankyou.aspx?familyId=7a1aae73-48cc-4f7a-b445-0487bd5e84ef&displayLang=en
Hi! I have a tip for you guys. If the issue is that all your contacs are gone from your contact list, i.e you can log in, but your contact list are empty, howerver, if you go to people.live.com you can see all your contacts read the following:

This issue should now be resolved in the latest relese of messenger.

Try to reinstall WLM with CleanUp Utility, download from:

install it and remove ALL WL components, not just messenger.

Go to download.live.com and reinstall Messenger and any other WL products you want. This should resolve the issue with the disappearing contact list

Hope this helps some1!

i had the same problem this is hat i did i opened task manager:
( in windows xp press ctrl+Alt+Delete & in vista the same but just go down to 'start task manger')
when you do that click on the processes tab and clcik on the 'msnmsgr.exe' and click end process
then just go to the start menu and start msn up again, sign in again and hopefully it'll work - it did for me

hop it helped & if it doesnt use a online instatnt meggenger, for example Ebuddy.com

thanks :)
Why don't you try fixing it. It comes up when you click uninstall maybe
TY M8 you are the best ever :D