How can i browse with my phone

EZEKIEL - Jan 4, 2009 at 11:31 AM
 Vicco - Nov 8, 2009 at 01:04 PM
Hello,pls send config.for
me on how to browse with my phone

5 responses

How can i browse on my phone through my laptop?
i want to connect my phone to my laptop to browse with it but i dont knoe how to go about it.Can you please me th connection
vsolute Posts 1 Registration date Tuesday August 18, 2009 Status Member Last seen August 20, 2009 > hassty
Aug 20, 2009 at 07:14 PM
Well. You need pc suit of your phone. And a phone data transfer cable or bluetooth. Intall the pc suit and click on connect the internet logo of the pc suit interface. Select connection mode. Use Cable or bluetooth. Then phone operator e.g. Tmobile china or mtn south africa. At times u can use manual config. If you have operator access point settings. Then one touch connection should connect you now. Note: your phone be browsing before you do this. For pc suit download, visit your phone maker's site or use, type in "nokia pc suit download" or any other and download it and install by clicking setup.exe file.
i am using nokia3600s with mtn line, i having been broswing with it but the charging plan is too much. so i want you to send me a free site for browser and emailing.
Pls text me ur numb
how to use my opera mini as my browser to my computer
nokia 5130 phone
Sep 29, 2009 at 07:19 AM
cannot connect to my laptop and cannot browse the internet.
vid32 Posts 6 Registration date Sunday February 22, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 3, 2009 2
Feb 23, 2009 at 02:04 PM try: touchscree`or Non-touchscree. n`joy vid32`

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