Service pack 3 and 2

fidel - Jan 9, 2009 at 07:17 PM
 anant - Aug 16, 2010 at 09:53 AM
please i recently had a windows service pack three on my system and i got infected by a spyware so I succeded in getting rid of it by reinstalling my system and now i have a pack 2 installed, but i cant have access to my documents which i left on my hard drive on the desktop, but my hard drive stil shows me that i have the same amount of space left before i installed the newsystem, so i wish to know if I need to reinstall the pack 3 before i can have access to those protected files?

5 responses

wires and plugs
Jan 9, 2009 at 11:45 PM
Yes you problably will because some of the security features windows has is that only the system that created a file can view it I had a similer problem when I backed up some files of mine on cd with a system running SP2 and Installed SP3 on a new harddrive and when I inserted the cd It said how much data was on them but I couldn't see the files.
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