Problem with PC startup

yahska_aksahy - Jan 17, 2009 at 02:38 AM
 yahska_akshay - Jan 18, 2009 at 06:03 AM

I have 850 MD MotherBoard with 1.6GHZ Processor, since 2 months my PC wasnt touched as i had to replace my HDD then i Cleaned the Hardware Components and replaced the HDD which didnt work and now its not working..

After removing the RAM the PC doesnt Beeps...I read your above posts regarding Processor, RAM and Jumper (Factory Settings) tests outof which processor test is fine and its heating up..but the other tests didnt wrk ..SMPS fan and processor fan r working ..

when i attach the data cable to my DVD drive its not working, after removing the data cable it works, due to power supply..

Please Please..advise and suggest a solution..


1 response

buy. one problem . is gone, dont mess on old pc, its before good more . mess its bad , easy its simpel.
Jan 18, 2009 at 06:03 AM
hey buddy ...i guess i didnt get uradvice,, but let me know the solution as my PC was working great earlier..

pls giv a solution..

thnks for ur reply.