Disc is-write protected

Grandmasue Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday November 2, 2011 Status Member Last seen November 2, 2011 - Nov 2, 2011 at 02:46 AM
Grandmasue Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday November 2, 2011 Status Member Last seen November 2, 2011 - Nov 2, 2011 at 06:06 AM

I've joined your forum today hoping that someone will at least reply to my question as I'm not getting any help from other forums

I've been backing up my files using a DVD-RW disc for years.
Today I had my monthly prompt to insert disc for another back-up.

Now this is where I am having a problem - for some reason I'm getting a warning triangle saying "Disc is write protected"
I've tried putting in a new dvd disc - Clicked to format then a pop-up appearers saying "Format was not successful
CD Drive(D)
The disc is write protected "

I've even tried to go it alone and burn files to disc but the same message comes up when trying to format.

Can anyone advice me ( not technical wording please) in what I should do next?
My laptop is a Windows Vista Home Premium

P.S. I don't know if this has anything to do with it , but... I can play cds without any problem, as for play dvds it doesn't work?

I've checked Control panel- Autoplay and the following has been applied....
Audoi CD - using Windows Media player
DVD movie - Media player
Enhanced DVD movie - Media player
Video CD - Media played
Have I tweaked this wrong if so please advise

1 response

Anonymous User
Nov 2, 2011 at 03:08 AM
If you have alcohol 120 or daemon tools.Uninstall it and try
Grandmasue Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday November 2, 2011 Status Member Last seen November 2, 2011
Nov 2, 2011 at 06:06 AM
Sundar7701 , Is that it?
No information on -WHY it isn't working properly ?
Only to tell me to download a software.!