Compaq laptop will not boot?

ClownManAZ - Nov 8, 2011 at 10:03 PM
 Anonymous User - Nov 8, 2011 at 11:49 PM

My compaq laptop will not boot up after I turned it off while it was installing a update. When I go to turn it back on I press the power on button then it acts like it is going to boot when after only a second or two it go click and shut off then click and try to boot and then click off and then click on again and do this over and over and over. The screen never comes on so I cannot even get to the point where I can even try to get it up in safe mode..... I have not had any problems before until this happened to me. I did get it to stay powered on (No screen though) by holding down the ctrl key and alt while turning it on. It stopped going on and off rapidly and seemed to stay powered up but still not booting? I have been around computers for a long time now and this is the first time I have ever seen this happen.


1 response

Anonymous User
Nov 8, 2011 at 11:49 PM
Insert your OS CD and try this

Press any key on bootup,which will take you to the MAIN MENU

You should have two options

Install and repair

For XP press R key

That should take you to system recovery menu

You can see a command prompt option there,click on it,enter administrator password if needed

Now run following commands one by one and press enter

cd c:\WINDOWS\WinSxS

del pending.xml

Restart your PC

for vista and 7, select '' repair your computer ''

and click on command prompt and run the commands as said before

Let us know how it works.