Ps3 video reset settings don't work

trevdarogers Posts 1 Registration date Tuesday September 24, 2013 Status Member Last seen September 24, 2013 - Sep 24, 2013 at 08:09 PM
 salwi - Nov 21, 2013 at 08:26 PM
So I was playing GTA V earlier today and all of a sudden it froze and I had to manually restart the PS3 by holding down the power button. I then turned it back on and took the disk out and then realized nothing was showing on the tv screen and also that my controllers wouldn't connect to the PS3. I then tried plugging in a different HDMI cable to see if it was my cable but still nothing. I also tried the rgb cable and still nothing. I have been using the video settings reset when I turn on the PS3 btw. Hasn't triggered anything to show up on the screen yet. I even held down the power button long enough to go into safe mode and still nothing shows up on the screen and controllers still will not connect even when they're connected to the system with a usb cable. I'm at a loss with what else I can try out to fix my issue and I'm not sure where the source of the issue is. The PS3 turns on fine and theres no blinking red or yellow light. Looks as normal as it would any other time I turned it on. I'm not sure what to do now.

1 response

member ive me get ready please