My laptop is slow.

plumy Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday October 2, 2013 Status Member Last seen October 2, 2013 - Oct 2, 2013 at 04:10 PM
gracebie Posts 2 Registration date Thursday June 6, 2013 Status Member Last seen October 3, 2013 - Oct 3, 2013 at 08:42 AM
my laptop is very slow, what can i do? i am not computer person so i dont know what to do, please help me..

2 responses

Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166
Oct 2, 2013 at 04:31 PM

I am pretty sure your laptop has a virus.

To help you and prescribe the remedy, I must make a diagnostic and to do so, I require a log.

1. Open this link and download ZHPDiag2 :

(Don't be alarmed is the site is in French, it sometimes happens, the tool will take your system language and allow the download if you get a warning message.)

2. Save the file on your Desktop.

3. Double click on ZHPDiag.exe and follow the installation instructions.

(For Vista and Win 7 users, click right to ensure you execute with admin right)

The tool creates three icons ZHPDiag, MRB, and ZHPFix (If necessary,we will use ZHPFix after log analysis).

4. Double click on the short cut ZHPDiag on your Destktop.

5. If you need to change the language, click on the little house, (bottom right) and change to English

6. Click on the "Configure" button.

7. Click on the Magnifying glass with the + sign.

8. Click on "Search"

Wait for the tool to finished (maybe a long time)

9. Close ZHPDiag.

10. To transmit the report, click on this link :

9. Search the directory where you installed ZHPDiag (usually C:\desktop\zhpdiag.txt).

10. Select the file ZHPDiag.txt.

11. Click on "upload »

12. Copy the URL and post it here.

Best regards

Moderator /Security Contributor
gracebie Posts 2 Registration date Thursday June 6, 2013 Status Member Last seen October 3, 2013
Oct 3, 2013 at 08:42 AM
your System may be slow due to following reason

- Too many programs running at startup or in the background
- Data Corruption, hard disk fragmentation
- Missing Windows updates or outdated drivers
- Not enough hard drive space, too many unused programs
- Left over programs, old cached and temporary files

So Follow these steps to fix computer problem::

- Delete all the temp files
- Remove unused programs
- install latest drivers from the manufacturer site
- Install and run antispyware software
- Free up wasted space with Disk Cleanup tool
- Defragment your hard disk drive