Have pic on TV but sound stays on laptop

Strangerways Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday October 9, 2013 Status Member Last seen October 9, 2013 - Oct 9, 2013 at 05:33 PM
 Blocked Profile - Oct 10, 2013 at 10:01 AM
Hi all

Going crazy here. Connected my Asus laptop to my Samsung plasma Tv via Hdmi. Have been doing this for 6 weeks to watch netflix. Last night i tried to do it but now there is a picture on the Tv but the sound stays on the laptop. I have been going through the forum and see that many people have a similar problem. But the only difference for me is that when go to the audio I only have 2 options and neither of the are Hdmi i have tried setting both options as default but with the one i get no sound at all and the other still only plays through the PC. I have tried turning the TV off on on, connecting the cable, disconnecting the cable, connecting the cable then starting the app. Nothing is working. The only thing that has changed since the last time i watched Netflix is that i installed drivers for my Plantonics headphones, i have since uninstalled the drivers just in case it was them but still no luck. Have restored the comp to a point when i know it was working. But nothing. Both the Tv and Pc are pretty new (within the last 6 months) and the OS on the Pc is windows 8. Any ideas? Tnx

1 response

Blocked Profile
Oct 10, 2013 at 10:01 AM
Give this a go. Since you metnioned that you updated your headphones, well try to Update your HDMI connection. It may rewrite the information. I am hacking at this point.