Excel protect a column and a cell

yarimabu Posts 3 Registration date Friday March 7, 2014 Status Member Last seen March 7, 2014 - Mar 7, 2014 at 07:18 AM
 Blocked Profile - Mar 7, 2014 at 09:27 AM

how can i proctect excel column and cell


1 response

Blocked Profile
Mar 7, 2014 at 09:27 AM
OK, there are multiple steps, and I have some picture to support the actions.

So step one is-mark the row, column, or cell to be hidden or protected, right click over what you wish to protect and select "FORMAT":

Next step is to mark it as protected.

Next step is to secure the page. So you will need to assign a password-write it down, as we do not support FORGOTTEN PASSWORDS!

And now lock it. This is the actual step to assign the password.

I hope this helps.

Have FUN!

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