Got a blue screen

computerglitches Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday September 3, 2014 Status Member Last seen September 15, 2014 - Sep 3, 2014 at 11:06 PM
xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 - Sep 5, 2014 at 01:43 PM
here is my story, yesterday i left my computer on the welcome screen for almost 24 hours,
bad one cause when i tried to log in i got a blue screen ,then i kept getting kicked off ,and the computer went to the checking files for inconsistancy issues, you know the waiting for the percentage crap to go from 0-100 well that takes really long ,plus is a sign of a damage hardrive or a failing motherboard or a virus well not knoiwing exactly what it was i changed the cpu the central processing unit to a 3.2 ghz from a 2.8ghz cause i said to myself the next time i have to fix this computer i'll change the cpu that i had laying around cause i heard games play better on the 3.2ghz cpu
anyhow the computer isnt starting up properly and i been reading some replies on this kioskea thing hoping i can get some closure on why this happened i cant afford a new motherboard right now or a new hardrive or a new set of ram memory so i do like everybody else see what i can learn and fix it myself so if anyone think they can help me solve this problem feel free to contact me on facebook, or at this site anytime anyway im happy i saw this site cause i was randomly looking all over the place but its best i stay here.

1 response

xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 1,824
Sep 5, 2014 at 01:43 PM
A little knowledge can cause a lot of problems. Like you I have no idea what your computer problem might be.

Good Luck