Facebook (I don't wish others to see what I like )

AnasRehman Posts 43 Registration date Tuesday October 7, 2014 Status Member Last seen January 2, 2015 - Oct 13, 2014 at 08:53 AM
 Blocked Profile - Oct 14, 2014 at 10:31 AM
When ever I like a page or like a photo it is automatically posted on there news feed as I liked it hence they know all I do is there any option to turn it off
Many thanks in advance

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Oct 13, 2014 at 10:14 AM
Isn't that the point of Facebook, to share? You already know you like it! What good is it if you mark it as a like if you do not share it?

You can make your profile private, but then again, isn't that defeating the purpose of Facebook?

Let me know if I am wrong.
AnasRehman Posts 43 Registration date Tuesday October 7, 2014 Status Member Last seen January 2, 2015 10
Oct 13, 2014 at 10:04 PM
Is it compulsory that Facebook immediately report to my friends about any thing I like or comment?Then what is the use of the share option which allows us to share the picture/etc with our friends.If I like a family picture having privacy then the friends in my list will not be able to see the picture but can send friend request to that family member.If a picture is unable to be opened by any of my friend/family it will give raise to suspection. We like things to show them that we support it and furthermore to follow those pages we like them. The point is that we should be given command to how much we wish to share,not all my FC activity it's like "Beware you are being watched 24/7 ".
I hope you understood my point
Blocked Profile
Oct 14, 2014 at 10:31 AM
That is a given, so the point is mute!

Have fun.