Meach - Mar 14, 2009 at 11:25 AM
 frozendick - Dec 8, 2010 at 06:31 PM
Hello, when I turn on my daughters Dell laptop,, "Internal HDD HARD error" comes up and then when I press F2 it says there is no bootable devices. What do I need to do. Please help! Thanks

2 responses

If the system is saying it cannot find a bootable disc, a system restore wont get anywhere, because it relies on windows booting to fix. It seems like you have a hard disk failure, in which case you will need a new hard drive.
To prevent losing your data when bads happen like that. I found an online storage service, its call STOCKLii ( http://www.stocklii.com/en ). It offers a lot of cool stuff :

* Unlimited transfers
* Unlimited users
* Unlimited connections
* Transfers up to 10 Mb/s
* Supports large files (25 GB and up)
* Real-time user access and privileges management
* Real-time storage space increase or decrease
* Secure FTPS (SSL/TLS) connection
* 24/7 technical support
* Free trial
is that for free i mean?
by the way what is the meaning of HDD?