Computer Powers on But does Not Boot

BabyHatPvP - Mar 30, 2015 at 09:01 PM
Computertech Posts 3569 Registration date Friday February 6, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen July 18, 2016 - Mar 31, 2015 at 01:46 AM
Hello, I have had Asus Desktop, and Iv'e had it for about a year and 2 months and i noticed that my Desktop was slow so i decided to restart it. I went to bed the next day and i saw the screen say "Asus" and at the bottom it says "Press Del or F2 to enter UEFI BIOS settings" so i pressed them both and nothing work. i tried unplugging the computer and monitor into different places and pressed Del and F2 and nothing worked. i held the power button and turned the Desktop back on and the screen stills says "Press Del or F2 to enter UEFI BIOS settings" i also got another monitor and it still says "Press Del or F2 to enter UEFI BIOS settings" If you can help me that would be great.

My guess is that i ran out of memory (ram). I also remember a long time ago (I use this Desktop for gaming. (Minecraft) and while i was downloading stuff for the game i got a message that i was running low on ram. So i am pretty sure i either need to get a new ram stick or place the ram stick into a different place.

I am not a computer geek or nerd so i don't know much about computers.

My YouTube is BabyHatPvP

1 response

Computertech Posts 3569 Registration date Friday February 6, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen July 18, 2016 893
Mar 31, 2015 at 01:46 AM

Try to remove all your power cable, vga, mouse, keyboard, lan everything...
leave the pc rest for 30 to 45 min... try to connect all cables again....
if still not works... switch off the pc... remove the RAM from slot and switch on the pc if you hear beep sound there is no motherboard issue try to seat your RAM in different slot... and then start your pc...
Note: Seat the RAM correctly...
Post the results...