How to retrieve the deleted mails, even deleted From Trash

Vamsi - May 25, 2015 at 03:03 AM
Computertech Posts 3569 Registration date Friday February 6, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen July 18, 2016 - May 25, 2015 at 04:03 AM

I've deleted the files from trash, 5 months back. Now I want to restore that deleted data. So please suggest me, how it can be. It'd be a grateful for me.
Its very important and urgent!

Vamsi Krishna V

1 response

Computertech Posts 3569 Registration date Friday February 6, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen July 18, 2016 893
May 25, 2015 at 03:07 AM
Hello vamsi,
you can recover permanently deleted emails even after deleting them from your trash folder all you have to do is open you gmail then click the drop down arrow from your search box at the top of the screen. it will then ask you several question such as to: or from: subject, has words or date with in. don't answer any of these question just click on the blue search button on the bottom left of the search box and all of your deleted emails will be revealed.

You also go here for your query..
But it's not working. Please suggest me what can be done. As they're deleted even from Trash Folder. I need just last 6 months data. So please tell me what to be done.
Computertech Posts 3569 Registration date Friday February 6, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen July 18, 2016 893
May 25, 2015 at 03:40 AM
There is no other solution, sometimes it works and sometimes not.
Not Satisfied with the reply given by you. What does it mean, "sometimes it'll work and sometimes not". Do I need to use any software? Have u checked for any of the cases, the data has been retrieved??? Please make sure, help me out of this. As I need those mails very badly.

Vamsi Krishna V
Computertech Posts 3569 Registration date Friday February 6, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen July 18, 2016 893
May 25, 2015 at 04:03 AM
Hello vamsi,
We are not google.. I provide the link to google to submit your query... I dont know whether you use that or not.. also I provide the possible solution... which works for some people.. even if did not able to retrive, then it is probably deleted from the server itself.. you never able to access it...
there is no special software to recover it...if it is important you have make a copy of the mails before... you deleted it 5 months before from trash folder itself...