Exchange 2007 Corrupt Database

mareliwalberg Posts 1 Registration date Tuesday June 23, 2015 Status Member Last seen June 23, 2015 - Jun 23, 2015 at 02:03 PM
enzocalleros Posts 1 Registration date Tuesday July 28, 2015 Status Member Last seen July 28, 2015 - Jul 28, 2015 at 03:12 PM
I'm running Exchange 2007 Enterprise on Windows 2003. I have about 10 databaes that are running. I reboot the server this morning due to some updates that I needed to apply, not that I had already applied. After the server came up, everything seemed fine except one single database would not mount. I'm getting the event id 619.

"MSExchangeIS (2580) Accounting Division:Attempted to attach database D:\program files\exchange server\mailbox\accounting division\accounting.edb' but it is a database restored from a backup set on which hard recovery was not started or did not complete successfully"

The problem is I did not run any type of recovery at all on my exchange server in the recent past. Also this database was created about a month ago.. No restore has ever been done on it. Another interesting thing is that date time stamp on the .edb file is dated from a month ago!!
How can that be? it was up and running yesterday..

Does anyone have any idea on how this could happen? Please help

2 responses

enzocalleros Posts 1 Registration date Tuesday July 28, 2015 Status Member Last seen July 28, 2015
Jul 28, 2015 at 03:12 PM
Visit microsoft community where local users gives a lot of variants for solving .edb problems
haaniomar Posts 1 Registration date Thursday June 25, 2015 Status Member Last seen June 25, 2015
Jun 25, 2015 at 02:59 PM
Recover Exchange EDB Files Manually
1. First of all start the information store service and make a note of all the errors.
2. Stop the information store service and then run the following commands from the `Bin' folder:

"c:\exchsrvr\bin>eseutil /mh ..\mdbdata\priv1.edb"
3. Now, you got to verify the `State' line in the output. Just ensure that all the files are consistent. In case, you find any of the files inconsistent, conduct soft recovery. And, to perform such recovery, you just got to switch to the folder where the database and log files are located. After this, just ensure you run the following at the command prompt:
`C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\MDBDATA>"C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\BIN\eseutil" /r E00?
4. Once again, it is important that you ensure the consistency of both the public information store and the private information store.
5. If they are consistent, then skip the next step.
If you found the databases to be inconsistent, then it is important for you to do a hard repair. To do this, run the following commands:
`C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\MDBDATA>"C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\BIN\eseutil" /p priv1.edb'
`C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\MDBDATA>"C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\BIN\eseutil" /p pub1.edb'
6. Now, it is important that you remove the log files from the `Mdbdata' folder.
7. Delete the `.chk' file and the `Temp.edb' file.
8. Now, mount the databases and then, dismount them instantaneously.
9. Finally, you got to stop the information store service and then defragment the public and private store databases