Logged out

eeyore - May 24, 2016 at 06:46 PM
 Blocked Profile - May 24, 2016 at 06:51 PM
Everytime I want to check my e-mail I am locked out. When I try to recover this there is an alternate e-mail they send a code to. I usually do not have contact with this e-mail. Tried to change that to my mobile phone, but you will not allow me to that either. As for the second security question I must have forgotten it because all the answers I put in is dissallowed. This is starting to get annoyong especially when I opened this account I asked for my computer to remember me. This has not happened.
My e-mail is: ***@***.
A response would be nice by texting to the following number<REMOVED BY MODERATOR>, since e-mailing me is useless, for I will not be able to retrive it.

1 response

Blocked Profile
May 24, 2016 at 06:51 PM
I am not certain how we can help you remember all of these important details, if you could not!

Use this as a learning lesson, and whenever you change mobiles, yu need to go and change ALL of the accounts that have that mobile attached to it. Better yet, DO NOT open accounts on mobile devices, always use a desktop or laptop(PC BASED OPERATING SYSTEM)! There are usually more options to recover with systems such as these.

If you cannot remember the second security question, there is NOTHING that we can do. Have you contacted the provider?