My acer laptop went black

Dafy07 Posts 2 Registration date Friday July 29, 2016 Status Member Last seen July 30, 2016 - Jul 29, 2016 at 01:11 PM
 Blocked Profile - Aug 1, 2016 at 05:00 PM
Few months ago my laptop fell from a very small height.But that did it.My screen went from bad to worse progressively.IT had whit stripes or it went all white and i had to hold it so it could be the time i took it for a consult the screen would go bad by every mive.he said that the screen cord is not out of place but he cant check if the cord is broken because he didnt have any good to check the laptop with.that happend i tried to turn it on but it wouldnt.i thought it was the battery but when plugged it wouldnt start either.i tried holding the power button down and the repushing it and the led light went on twice then dead again.Any suggestions as to what may be the problem?

1 response

Blocked Profile
Jul 29, 2016 at 04:46 PM
Sounds to me like the back light broke! Connections are good, but still no screen, is an indications of back light broken! You would need to replace the whole screen, as it is more trouble to replace just the back light, then the whole thing!

Does the screen turn a little grey when it boots, and doesn't stay completey black? If yes, then it is the back light!
Dafy07 Posts 2 Registration date Friday July 29, 2016 Status Member Last seen July 30, 2016
Jul 30, 2016 at 02:01 AM
I was afraid of this.I am more afraid of the motherboard being fried.COuld i use the laptop with an external to your question no its pitch black.
Blocked Profile
Aug 1, 2016 at 05:00 PM
Yes, hook it up to an external source. Hit Windows key+P and select duplicate.