Auto copy info/charts from a master sheet to a second sheet

somemikeguy Posts 1 Registration date Thursday December 8, 2016 Status Member Last seen December 8, 2016 - Updated by somemikeguy on 8/12/16 at 10:55 PM
TrowaD Posts 2921 Registration date Sunday September 12, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen December 27, 2022 - Dec 19, 2016 at 11:13 AM

I'd appreciate if somebody could please point me in the right direction on this...

I'm a sales/supervisor for a rough interior construction company. There was literally zero system or template to base anything off when I was promoted and took the tool belt off.

I presently have a huge spreadsheet built, where page 1 is an on-site measuring tool, auto fills values on page 2 into total material needed, labour and material cost, etc, auto fills onto page 3 where it's a private breakdown page of profit and all of my hidden formulas to get page 1 to page 2 etc... Page 4 is auto filled from above as a Work Order sheet to hand out to sub-contractors.

I'd like that Work Order to be a separate sheet altogether. All I can figure out is the long way -- select area, copy, new sheet, paste, then repaste with the values. My boss isn't nearly as computer efficient as I, so what I'd like that new sheet to do is just auto fill off of the specific Sheet1 cells like it currently does (as page 4), so if he using the template, that separate sheet fills itself in, I can have the print area set for just that (that part I know how lol), and bam, I don't have home work every night.

Specifically, I want A to J of 124 to 171 to formulate onto it's own sheet. And I have no idea how to insert a macro.

Thanks in advance.


1 response

TrowaD Posts 2921 Registration date Sunday September 12, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen December 27, 2022 555
Dec 19, 2016 at 11:13 AM
Hi somemikeguy,

Have you tried the macro recorder (found under the developers ribbon)?

Click the recording button, do your copy/paste action, stop recording. Now you will be able to repeat the process by hitting Alt+F8 and running the recorded macro.

Best regards,