Problem: Can I turn this gibberish back to normal?

Anonymous User - Updated by anna.mish on 21/12/16 at 06:38 PM
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 - Dec 22, 2016 at 07:00 AM

I have a flash drive problem with my files.
I have a music folder with all of my music/songs, and I also have a notepad with things written in it.

A couple of days ago, all of my music folders and my notepad's information turned into weird letters and symbols. If you try to delete the music folders (also there are supposed to be songs in them) it will tell me it's a system file, and if I delete it, some programs won't work properly. But the thing is I can't delete them. My music folders don't really matter because they are also in a separate folder on my computer, but I still want to either delete it or turn them back because I cannot get rid of the gibberish. For my notepad, I need the information, and I can delete it, but I don't want to.

That is my main Music Folder that's supposed to have music folders with songs, but as you can see, those are just letters and symbols. I try deleting them, it doesn't delete at all.

If I try to open any music folder, it gives me that error. I also, don't remember having so much folders, as I only have about 7 music/song folders.

Now here's the notepad, which had a lot of information, but unfortunately, it also turned into letters and symbols.

I do not know why this has happened. I also don't remember doing anything that can really mess the files.

These are the two problems that seem to annoy and disappoint me, not being able to delete the music folders and seeing them as letters and symbols, and having my notepad in letters and symbols also.

If I can turn these files back into what they used to be, it would make me so happy.
If there is anyone that can help me, I would appreciate it a lot.

Thank you!

1 response

Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166
Dec 22, 2016 at 07:00 AM
# Download USB Fix click here
  • Launch it, a shortcut will be created on your desktop.

  • Choose "Clean" option.
  • A pop-up will follow
    Connect all your external data sources to your PC (Usb keys, sd cards external drives, etc...)
  • Once you're ready, click "OK".
  • While cleaning, you will lose access to your desktop, but this is normal.

The numbers of analyzed and infected elements are displayed.

Tutorial :

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