The discussions
Facebook account disabled
Hi my FB account was disabled so please recovery my account thank u
How to recover my facebook account?
Hello, D My name is=Pyae Sone Phyo ID My First Name is =Pyae Sone ID My Middle Name is = ID My Last Name is =Phyo ID My date of birth is=9...
How long i need to wait for facebook to very my identity
How long i need to wait for Facebook to very my identity, it’s been 6 weeks without access to my account!! Plaese anyone know?
Facebook account disabled
Hello, and i have a lot of photos and friends and the highest scores in application. face book is my life and if my account is disabled , so am I ...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 40.0.2214.89halow my account is desaible plezz recover my accound
Someone change my email and password
Hello, Some one change mycreenbook email and password System Configuration: Android / UC Browser
Facebook do not open activity
Hello, please my facebook not working could not delete recent search and do not open acrivity System Configuration: Android / Chrome 58.0.3...
My fb account was disabled.
Since Oct. 19, 2017. I'd already send to help center/appeal with info/details and 2pcs valid ID uploaded but untill now my account still disabled no a...
Facebook account disabled
Good morning, Yesterday when I attempted to access my Facebook account I was Informed by Facebook that they had disabled it. Being very surprised b...
Code not being excepted
Hello, I was sent a code to reset my password but it is not working what can I do System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, when my problem will be solved...?? Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents...
Fake facebook account created
Hello team, Someone has been created a fake Facebook id and upload my dp in profile in 2013 year and now i can see the fake id in my suggestion fri...
How to confirm my facebook account?
Hello, Please confirm my account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
Facebook account disabled
Hello, How can open disable my FB account
Photo id lock account
Hello, my account is photo id lock. Therefore i confirm by real ID please unblock me. Thank. System Configuration: Android / UC Browser 10.10.8...
Disable my account
Hello disabale my facebook account please help me
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, when i open my facebook account this probleem occur Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these ad...
My fb account is not opening
Hello, I request sir my FB account is not opening please help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 60.0.3112.107
Hacked my account
Hello, hacked my account
Facebook account disabled
Solved/ClosedHello, my facebook account disabled, i want to get my facebook account back
Facebook account disabled
Hello face book I'm asking you why is my account disable I did everything I had two do may account was good as of yesterday please let me know why and...
Open my facebook account
Hello My Facebook account is automatically delete.please so my account is open .it so emergency.
Can't sign into my facebook account with my phone number
ClosedHello, I can't sign into my Facebook account with my phone number System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
How can I recover my Facebook account
How to fix my account
Why I can't open my account?
Need a help about fb approval code
Hello, I cant open ma fb Account its asking for login approval code .. and already im having ma email and correct number but still i cant recive any...
Login code receiving issue
Hello, Please help me. From 2 days am trying to login to my FB account but it's asking for login ID, but till now I didn't receive any message about...
Facebook appeal
ClosedHow long does it take for a facebook appeal? How will you know if your account has been reviewed and reopened or denied being reopened?
Account disabled
Hello, Sir please suggest me howl will reopen my account I really need my account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 40.0.2214.89
How to recover facebook hacked account?
Hello, My facebook account has been hacked by someone's report with some misunderstanding, now i have a problem with logging in my account so how ...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
sir . i cant login my fb account.. my account is on my fne no. if login nd its seen .. thanku . unfortunatly you wan't be able..... .. i veri...
Facebook account disabled
Hello Fast of all ,I would like to thank you in advance for your help and supported my problem is that Facebook was disabled and I would like to as...
Fb ask me to secure my account but it's no working
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.121. I want to secure my fb account but it's not working
Trouble logging in on fb
Hello, I can't figure my account out and why fb has it locked I've done everything sent copy of I'd in and changed my password as well I no long...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, sir i cant open my fb account .. i login my account ..nd its says thanku.. unfortunatly you wan't be able ..... plzzzzz help mee . thi...
Temporary block
Hello, Temporary block my account
I can't log into facebook
Hello, Hi ! I really do have a problem , I can't log in my account , I mean when I opened Facebook I was logged out , I press my account profile , a...
Facebook change language to back to english
Hello, i want to change language back to English inmy computer , my uaser name is (****) pls change language back to english in my fb on m...
Facebook id blocked
Hello admin, my Facebook account has been disable for security reason, when I tries to log in it replies_;thanks for sending your photos,we'll got in ...
Locked account
Hello, How can I access my fb once it's been locked System Configuration: Android / Chrome 34.0.1847.114
Facebook account recovery
Hello, i lost my facebook account yesterday morning and i want to recover it.please help System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 52.0
Recover my fb account
Hello, I can't access my account because same one hack my fb account and changed email So,now u what I do that I can reopen my fb account Thanks h...
My fb account disabled
Hello, My fb account disabled System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
Disabled account
Hello, why did my account get disabled System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
Facebook account disabled
Hello sir help my , my account disabled 1day. pls pls help me
My facebook confirmation code
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Opera 12.16my Facebook confirmation code please
Can't open my facebook account
Hello, My account is not opened plz help sir Thanks System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
Delete old facebook account that i have no access to or gmail ac
Hello, How to delete an old Facebook account that has been hacked and no access to or gmail System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
Logged out
Hello, Im logged out again l have done the forgot password did the codes from 3 friends it wont let me use my phone number or email says therss a ac...
Can't read comments on facebook
Hello, I can log in facebook bit i can't read my comments or i can't comment it freezes up System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84